Andrew Notter and Darren Robinson retain their position on the Council of the British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg. Both Notter and Robinson are British Citizens who have been residing in Luxembourg for over a decade.
Notter, Vice Chair, says ‘I am delighted to once again be representing the British Chamber of Commerce, this year is especially poignant as the UK and EU relationship changes after the transition period before new rules come into place from 1st January 2021’
He adds ‘being a resident of Luxembourg where I’ve made my home, where my children were born, where they are educated, where I’ve started my own business makes me reflect on how lucky we all are living within the EU and especially in Luxembourg. I will continue to help build bridges where they are necessary with the local community and the UK’
Andrew Notter is a Partner at Anderson Wise, Luxembourg’s most experienced Recruitment & Executive Search Firm. He can be contacted on